path: root/remove-old-kernels
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authorBarry Jackson <barjac@users.noreply.github.com>2023-01-05 15:22:25 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-01-05 15:22:25 +0000
commit8d6bb61cf2c23bba979716d9cb0ee26789f594bd (patch)
treee228c4131be5bc255a7b2e6a679fdd7c505b2241 /remove-old-kernels
parent7651d383f33ee245a082e657a9055f318f5d6886 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'remove-old-kernels')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remove-old-kernels b/remove-old-kernels
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f7eb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remove-old-kernels
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+# Remove old kernels safely and cleanly using urpme.
+# LISTK contains the list of kernels to analyse
+# The script keeps NBK most recent kernels
+# (c) Pierre Jarillon - 2018-04-03 - 2021-11-27
+# (c) Jean-Baptiste Biernacki 2021
+# (c) Barry C Jackson 2022-2023
+# Do not edit the values below unless you know 'exactly' what you are doing.
+# You can pass parameters on the command line to acheive the same functionality.
+NBK=3 # Default number of kernels to keep.
+DEBUG=0 # 1 for test mode, urpme is simulated and not applied
+MODE="I" # mode A)utomatic, I)nteractve (DO NOT CHANGE THIS)
+VISU=0 # If VISU=1, show commands which can be used
+LANG=$(echo $LANGUAGE|cut -d: -f1)
+# Colours for display Defaults Used for
+Normal="\e[0m" # System default f/g colour
+KeepCol="\e[92m" # Light Green Keep text
+RemvCol="\e[91m" # Light Red Remove text
+InfoCol="\e[33m" # Orange Information text
+HdBgCol="\e[102;30m" # Light Green Background Heading background
+WarnBgCol="\e[101m" # Light Red Background Warnings in heading
+ClearLine="\r\e[2K" # Clear the line
+# List of kernel types to include.
+# This list is only used if LISTK is omitted from the .cfg file in use.
+# Perform translations
+i18n() {
+gettext $prog "$1"
+# Display -help
+usage() {
+echo "$(i18n "Usage: <remove-old kernels|rok> [-a] [-A <y/n>] [-c] [-t] [-f 0-9] [-F 0-9] [-n number] [-N number] [-p] [-q] [-Q 0|1][-l] [-m] [-v] [-h|-?]")"
+echo "$(i18n " -a = automatic, no questions. Interactive if not specified. (must be root)")"
+echo "$(i18n " -A value = y or n to turn ON or OFF automatic weekly removal of kernels. (e.g. -Ay)")"
+echo "$(i18n " -c = as automatic but also checks for CRON=y in the cfg file or exits. (must be root)")"
+echo "$(i18n " -t = Test mode, nothing is removed, urpme is simulated.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -f value = number of the alternate .cfg file to use this time only. Exits if missing.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -F value = number of alt .cfg file to use. This changes the ALTCFG= setting in the main .cfg file.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -n value = number of kernels to keep this time only. (-n5 or -n 5 keep 5 kernels), Min=2, Default=3")"
+echo "$(i18n " -N value = number of kernels to keep. This changes the config file setting. (e.g. -N 5)")"
+echo "$(i18n " -p = preview the urpme commands which would be used.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -q = advanced mode, this time only - see man page.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -Q value = 1 or 0 (1 = ON) advanced mode, persistent. (e.g. -Q 1)")"
+echo "$(i18n " -l = list the last 1000 lines of the log.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -m = mono. No colours in screen output.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -v = version.")"
+echo "$(i18n " -? or -h = show this help.")"
+echo ""
+echo "$(i18n "KEY for column 3:")"
+echo "$(i18n " U = curently (U)sed running kernel.")"
+echo "$(i18n " V = keeping for (V)irtualbox -latest. (only in advanced mode)")"
+echo "$(i18n " X = keeping for (X)tables-addons -latest. (only in advanced mode)")"
+echo "$(i18n " K = keeping kernel-*-devel for installed (K)ernel. (only advanced mode)")"
+echo ""
+# Source main .cfg file if it exists, or issue warning and abort.
+source ${maincfg} || { echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "FATAL: Failed to read:")${Normal} ${maincfg}"; exit 1; }
+# If an alt .cfg is set in main .cfg
+if cat ${maincfg}|grep -q "ALTCFG=" && [[ $ALTCFG -gt 0 ]]; then
+ # Check it really exists
+ if [[ -f /etc/remove-old-kernels_$ALTCFG.cfg ]]; then
+ # Set current cfg to it
+ currcfg="${cfgpath}${prog}_${ALTCFG}.cfg"
+ source $currcfg
+ else
+ echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "Your alternative configuration file does not exist:")${Normal}\
+ /etc/remove-old-kernels_$ALTCFG.cfg\n$(i18n "Either replace it or set ALTCFG=0 in") /etc/remove-old-kernels.cfg"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Check for CRON variable in config or add default. (Some users may have early version without this feature)
+if ! grep -q -e "CRON=" ${maincfg}; then
+ echo -e "\n# # Allow cron to run 'remove-old-kernels' weekly. Replace 'y' with 'n' (lower case) to disable it.\nCRON=y" >> ${maincfg}
+# Check dnf limit before option parsing
+dnfNBK=0; dnfmsg=false
+[[ -f /etc/dnf/dnf.conf ]] && dnfNBK=$(cat /etc/dnf/dnf.conf|grep "installonly_limit="|cut -d= -f2)
+# Check running as root
+chkroot() {
+if (((UID))); then
+ echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "Must be root to edit configuration")${Normal}\nHit spacebar"
+ read -n1; echo -en "${ClearLine}"
+ exit 0
+# Function to handle -f or -F options
+altcfg() {
+# Called with f
+if [[ ed -ne 1 ]]; then
+ # Check for cfg 0
+ if [[ $cfgno -eq 0 ]]; then
+ source ${maincfg}
+ ALTCFG=${cfgno}
+ else
+ # If alt cfg file exists source it
+ if [[ -f /etc/remove-old-kernels_${cfgno}.cfg ]]; then
+ source /etc/remove-old-kernels_${cfgno}.cfg
+ ALTCFG=${cfgno}
+ else
+ echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "No such alternative configuration file:")${Normal} /etc/remove-old-kernels_${cfgno}.cfg"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Called with F
+ # If ALTCFG var is missing from the main .cfg file, add it
+ if ! cat ${maincfg} |grep -q "ALTCFG="; then
+ echo "ALTCFG=" >> ${maincfg}
+ fi
+ # Switch back to .cfg 0
+ if [[ $cfgno -eq 0 ]]; then
+ /usr/bin/sed -i "s/ALTCFG=.*/ALTCFG=${cfgno}/" ${maincfg}
+ source ${maincfg}; currcfg=${maincfg}
+ else
+ # If alt cfg file exists
+ if [[ -f /etc/remove-old-kernels_${cfgno}.cfg ]]; then
+ # Add it in main .cfg
+ /usr/bin/sed -i "s/ALTCFG=.*/ALTCFG=${cfgno}/" ${maincfg}
+ ALTCFG=${cfgno};
+ currcfg="${cfgpath}${prog}_${ALTCFG}.cfg"
+ source $currcfg
+ else
+ echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "No such alternative configuration file:")${Normal} /etc/remove-old-kernels_${cfgno}.cfg"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+# Parse arguments from command line which take precedence over script and cfg file
+if [[ ${#} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ while getopts aA:ctf:F:plmvn:N:qQ:?h NAME; do
+ case ${NAME} in
+ a) MODE="A"
+ ;;
+ A) chkroot
+ echo ${currcfg}
+ CRONN=${OPTARG} && [[ ${#CRONN} = 1 ]] && [[ "yn" =~ "$CRONN" ]] && \
+ /usr/bin/sed -i "s/CRON=.*/CRON=${CRONN}/" ${currcfg} && CRON=$CRONN
+ ;;
+ c) MODE="A" && [[ ${#CRON} -gt 0 ]] && [[ "$CRON" == "y" ]] || exit 0
+ ;;
+ t) DEBUG=1
+ ;;
+ f) [[ ${OPTARG} =~ ^[0-9] ]] && altcfg ${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ F) chkroot
+ [[ ${OPTARG} =~ ^[0-9] ]] && ed=1 && altcfg ${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ p) VISU=1
+ ;;
+ q) QA=1
+ ;;
+ Q) chkroot
+ [[ ${OPTARG} =~ ^[0-1] ]] && QAN="${OPTARG}"
+ if cat ${currcfg}|grep -q "QA="; then
+ /usr/bin/sed -i "s/QA=.*/QA=${QAN}/" ${currcfg} && QA=${QAN}
+ else
+ echo "QA=${QAN}" >> ${currcfg} && QA=${QAN}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ n) [[ ${OPTARG} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && NBK=${OPTARG}
+ ;;
+ N) chkroot
+ if [[ $NBKN =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $NBKN -ge $dnfNBK ]]; then
+ /usr/bin/sed -i "s/NBK=.*/NBK=$NBKN/" ${currcfg} && NBK=$NBKN
+ else
+ dnfmsg=true
+ fi
+ ;;
+ l) tail -n1000 /var/log/remove-old-kernels.log && { echo -e "\n$(i18n "Tap spacebar")\n"; read -n1; echo -en "${ClearLine}"; }
+ ;;
+ m) Normal="";RemvCol="";KeepCol="";InfoCol="";HdBgCol="";WarnBgCol="";Clearline=""
+ ;;
+ v) printf "$(rpm -q remove-old-kernels)\n"
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ ?|h) clear; usage
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Don't allow NBK < 2
+ if (( NBK < 2 )); then
+ NBK=2
+ fi
+# Only use greeting in interactive mode
+if [[ $MODE == "I" ]]; then
+echo -e " $(i18n "Welcome to 'remove-old-kernels' Interactive")\n"
+# Use dnf kernel 'number to keep' if installed
+if [[ $dnfNBK -gt $NBK ]] || $dnfmsg; then
+ NBK=$dnfNBK
+ dnfmssg="${InfoCol}INFO: Number to keep is restricted to $dnfNBK, by the dnf 'installonly_limit' set in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf${Normal}"
+# Get info for status message
+if [[ "$CRON" == "y" ]]; then autostat="ON"; else autostat="${Normal}${WarnBgCol}OFF${HdBgCol}"; fi
+if [[ "$QA" == "1" ]]; then qamssg="| Q:ON "; fi
+if [[ $ALTCFG -gt 0 ]]; then cfgmssg="|${Normal}${WarnBgCol}F:${ALTCFG}${HdBgCol} "; fi
+# Check that the running kernel is still installed: https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31015
+[[ -e /lib/modules/$(uname -r) ]] || { echo -e "${RemvCol}FATAL: Has the running kernel been uninstalled since last boot? - Aborting."; exit 1; }
+# Get the full name of the current running kernel
+CURK=$(rpm -qf /lib/modules/$(uname -r))
+# Storage for the list of kernels to remove
+# Check storage usage on root partition
+OCCDISK1=$(df -B 1M -l --output=used / | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
+# Pad translated strings for column 2
+ keepstr=$(i18n "Keep"); remstr=$(i18n "Remove")
+ if [[ ${#keepstr} != ${#remstr} ]]; then
+ if [[ ${#keepstr} > ${#remstr} ]]; then
+ while (( ${#remstr} < ${#keepstr} )); do remstr="${remstr} "; done
+ else
+ while (( ${#remstr} > ${#keepstr} )); do keepstr="${keepstr} "; done
+ fi
+ fi
+#========================= Analyse /boot/ =============================
+NK=$(ls /boot/vmlinuz*.mga* | wc -l)
+# In automatic mode exit immediately if kernels in boot <= number allowed to be removed
+ [[ $MODE = "A" ]] && [[ ${NK} -le ${NBK} ]] && exit 0
+#================================ Show status ==============================
+echo -e "${HdBgCol} System: $(cat /etc/mageia-release) | $(i18n "Kernels in") /boot/:${NK} | AUTO:$autostat | $(i18n "KEEP"):$NBK ${qamssg}${cfgmssg}${Normal} "
+#================================= Analyse rpms =============================
+# Get master list from rpm -qa --last
+allkernels=$(rpm -qa --last|grep "kernel-")
+# Get the kernel version and release required by the installed virtualbox-flavour-latest
+get_vbox_kern() {
+if echo "$allkernels"|grep -q "virtualbox-${kernelType}-latest"; then
+ vb_latest_ver=$(echo "$allkernels"|grep "virtualbox-${kernelType}-latest"|cut -d- -f5-|rev|cut -d. -f2-|rev)
+ qavkern=; return
+depkern=$(echo "$allkernels"|grep $vb_latest_ver|grep -v latest|grep virtualbox-kernel-[0-9])
+kern_ver=$(echo $depkern|cut -d- -f3-|cut -d- -f1)
+kern_rel=$(echo $depkern|cut -d- -f5-|cut -d. -f1)
+[[ ${#kern_ver} > 0 ]] && [[ ${#kern_rel} > 0 ]] && qavkern="${kern_ver}-${kern_rel}"
+# Get the kernel version and release required by the installed xtables-addons-flavour-latest
+get_xtables_kern() {
+if echo "$allkernels"|grep -q "xtables-addons-${kernelType}-latest"; then
+ xt_latest_ver=$(echo "$allkernels"|grep kernel-|grep "xtables-addons-kernel"|grep "latest"|cut -d- -f6-|rev|cut -d. -f2-|rev)
+ qaxkern=; return
+depkern=$(echo "$allkernels"|grep $xt_latest_ver|grep xtables-addons-kernel-[0-9]|cut -d ' ' -f1)
+kern_ver=$(echo $depkern|cut -d- -f4)
+kern_rel=$(echo $depkern|cut -d- -f6 -|cut -d. -f1)
+[[ ${#kern_ver} > 0 ]] && [[ ${#kern_rel} > 0 ]] && qaxkern="${kern_ver}-${kern_rel}"
+# Keep the -devel package for any installed kernel package
+depdev() {
+# Reset some vars
+pkg=; kpkgname=; nnk=""
+ # Is current pkg a -devel
+ if echo "${installedKernelPackage}" | grep -q "\-devel"; then
+ # Get matching kernel package name
+ kpkgname=$(echo "${installedKernelPackage}"| /usr/bin/sed -e 's/\-devel//')
+ # Find kernel in installed list without timestamp
+ for pkg in $(echo "$allkernels"|cut -d ' ' -f1); do
+ # Look through installed kernels for kernel package
+ if [[ ${pkg} == ${kpkgname} ]]; then
+ nnk="K"; REMVBL=0
+ # Is kernel flagged for removal?
+ if cat ${TMPKTR} | grep -q $kpkgname ; then
+ # Then this -devel is also removable
+ nnk=""; REMVBL=1
+ fi
+ # We are done here
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+# Exclude 'latest' packages from installed kernel list
+rpmqaList=$(echo "$allkernels"|grep -v latest)
+# Loop through kernel types in LISTK
+for kernelType in ${LISTK}; do
+ [[ $QA -eq 1 ]] && get_vbox_kern && get_xtables_kern
+ installedKernelCounter=0;
+# Scan through installed kernels to match with kernel type in LISTK
+ echo "$rpmqaList"|grep "${kernelType}-[0-9]"|while read installedKernel; do
+ # Clear these for each loop
+# Increment installedKernelCounter
+ installedKernelCounter=$((${installedKernelCounter} + 1))
+# Return to the line if there exists at least one installedKernel of this kernelType
+ if [[ ${installedKernelCounter} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ echo -ne "\r ==> ${kernelType}"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+# Remove time stamp
+ installedKernelPackage=$(echo ${installedKernel} | cut -d ' ' -f 1 )
+# Check for current kernel
+ if [[ $(echo ${installedKernel} | grep ${CURK} | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ NOTA="U" # current kernel
+ REMVBL=0 # not removable
+ fi
+# Check if kernel is required by vbox latest kernel
+ if [[ $QA -eq 1 ]] && [[ ${#qavkern} -gt 0 ]] && [[ $(echo ${installedKernel} | grep "$qavkern" | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]]; then
+ NOTA="${NOTA}V" # Required by VBox
+ REMVBL=0 # not removable
+ fi
+# Check if kernel is required by xtables latest kernel
+ if [[ $QA -eq 1 ]] && [[ ${#qaxkern} -gt 0 ]] && [[ $(echo ${installedKernel} | grep "$qaxkern" | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]]; then
+ NOTA="${NOTA}X" # Required by xtables
+ REMVBL=0 # not removable
+ fi
+# If a kernel devel package has the corresponding kernel package keep it
+ if [[ $QA -eq 1 ]]; then
+ depdev
+ NOTA="${NOTA}${nnk}"
+ fi
+# Pad NOTA to 4
+ while (( ${#NOTA} < 4 )); do NOTA="${NOTA} "; done
+# Pad installedKernelCounter (col 1) to 3
+ while (( ${#installedKernelCounter} < 3 )); do installedKernelCounter="${installedKernelCounter} "; done
+ if [[ ${installedKernelCounter} -gt $NBK ]]; then
+ if [[ ${REMVBL} -ne 1 ]] ; then
+ echo -e "\r ${installedKernelCounter}${KeepCol} : $keepstr: ${NOTA}: ${installedKernel} ${Normal}"
+ else
+ echo -e "\r ${installedKernelCounter}${RemvCol} : $remstr: ${NOTA}: ${installedKernel} ${Normal}"
+ # Add package to removal list
+ echo ${installedKernelPackage} >> ${TMPKTR}
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "\r ${installedKernelCounter}${KeepCol} : $keepstr: ${NOTA}: ${installedKernel} ${Normal}"
+ fi
+ done
+# Position 'in use' key under symbol below column 3
+padUse=$((${#keepstr}+9)); padstr=""
+while (( ${#padstr} < $padUse )); do padstr="${padstr} "; done
+echo -en "${ClearLine}"
+echo -e "${padstr}${KeepCol}U${InfoCol} = $(i18n "In use now")${Normal}"
+if [[ ${#dnfmssg} > 0 ]];then echo -e "${dnfmssg}"; fi
+#================================= Mode of execution ===================
+nbt=$(cat ${TMPKTR} | wc -l)
+if [[ ${nbt} -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ (((UID))) && echo -e "${RemvCol}$(i18n "Must be root to allow removal")\n${Normal}"
+ if [[ ${VISU} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ plural="s"; [[ ${nbt} -eq 1 ]] && plural=""
+ echo "$(i18n "Command${plural} that would be used"):"
+ for f in $(tac ${TMPKTR}); do
+ echo "urpme ${f}"
+ done
+ i18n "Tap spacebar to exit"
+ read -n1
+ echo -en "${ClearLine}"
+ rm -f ${TMPKTR}
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [[ ${MODE} != "A" ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ echo -e "\n${KeepCol}>> $(i18n "Test mode is on - kernels will not be removed") <<${Normal}"
+ fi
+ plural="s"; [[ ${nbt} -eq 1 ]] && plural=""
+ read -p "$(i18n "Remove") ${nbt} $(i18n "kernel${plural}") ? $(i18n "y/N/i (i=confirm for each)") " -n 1 response
+ if [[ -z ${response} ]] ; then response="n" ; fi
+ case ${response} in
+ [Yy])
+ AUTO="--auto"
+ ASK=0
+ MODE="A"
+ echo -e " \n"
+ ;;
+ [Ii])
+ AUTO="--auto"
+ MODE="I"
+ echo " $(i18n "interactive")"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo -e "\n$(i18n "Aborted")\n"
+ rm -f ${TMPKTR}
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+#================================= Execution ===========================
+ for installedKernelPackage in $(tac ${TMPKTR}) ; do
+ if [[ ${MODE} = "I" ]] ; then # --- interactive mode ---
+ read -p "$(i18n "Remove") ${installedKernelPackage} ? $(i18n "y/N/q (q=quit)") " -n 1 response
+ echo -e " \n"
+ if [[ -z ${response} ]]; then
+ response="N"
+ fi
+ case ${response} in
+ [Yy])
+ if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ echo -e "\n${InfoCol}$(i18n "DEBUG: Could execute: urpme") ${AUTO} ${installedKernelPackage}${Normal}"
+ nbt=$((${nbt} - 1))
+ else
+ urpme ${installedKernelPackage}
+ nbt=$((${nbt} - 1))
+ fi
+ ;;
+ [qQ])
+ echo -e "\n$(i18n "Aborted")"
+ rm -f ${TMPKTR};
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo " "
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else # --- automatic mode ---
+ if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ echo -e "${InfoCol}$(i18n "DEBUG: Could execute: urpme") ${AUTO} ${installedKernelPackage}${Normal}"
+ nbt=$((${nbt} - 1))
+ else
+ # echo "Auto execution"
+ echo -ne 'y\n' | urpme ${AUTO} ${installedKernelPackage}
+ nbt=$((${nbt} - 1))
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ NK=$(ls /boot/vmlinuz*.mga[0-9] | wc -l)
+ OCCDISK2=$(df -B 1M -l --output=used / | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ echo -e "${HdBgCol} $(i18n "Gain") : $((OCCDISK1 - OCCDISK2)) MB - $(i18n "Kernels in") /boot/: ${NK} ${Normal}"
+[[ $MODE == "I" ]] && { i18n "Tap spacebar to exit"; read -n1; echo -en "${ClearLine}"; }
+rm -f ${TMPKTR}
+# Run again if some removable kernels are left
+(((UID))) && exit 0 # Not root user so exit
+[ ${MODE} != "I" ] && exit 0 # Auto so exit
+[ ${nbt} -gt 0 ] && ${0} # Root user and interactive so run again if removable kernels left